Dr Gach is a Consultant Dermatologist based in the West Midlands. She works in University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust. She has private clinics at the BMI Meriden Hospital (Coventry) and Spire Parkway Hospital (Solihull). She specialises in all aspects of skin diseases, paediatric dermatology, skin cancer and cosmetic dermatology.
Dr Gach has been a Consultant Dermatologist since 2005, having graduated from a Medical School in Poland in 1993. After graduation she trained in General Medicine in the United Kingdom and became a member of the Royal College of Physicians in 1999. Following that she trained exclusively in Dermatology and received her Higher Specialist Training in Dermatology in the West Midlands. She became a recognised specialist in the field of adult and paediatric skin disease, skin cancer and aesthetic dermatology.
Dr Gach works for the NHS at the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) and has also worked at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital until recently. She consults privately at The BMI Meriden Hospital, Coventry and at The Spire Parkway Hospital, Solihull.
Dr Gach offers a wide range of cosmetic surgical and non-surgical procedures, including mole, warts, skin tags removal, acne treatment, management of photo aging and pigmentation problems.
Dr Gach is the author of numerous peer reviewed publications and regularly presents at the national and international meetings.